Frequently Asked Questions

What is Eden Energy Medicine?

Energy Medicine is a series of gentle techniques working with the subtle energies of the body to help restore balance and vitality. The following quote from offers an excellent explanation:

"Energy Medicine awakens energies that bring resilience, joy, and enthusiasm to your life – and greater vitality to your body, mind, and spirit! Balancing your energies balances your body's chemistry, regulates your hormones, helps you feel better, and helps you think better. It has been called the self-care and development path of the future, but it empowers you NOW to adapt to the challenges of the 21st century and to thrive within them.”

Are you certified in energy healing?

YES!  I am an Eden Energy Medicine Clinical Practitioner EEM-CLP, and I am working toward my Advanced Practitioner Certification in June 2021.

How do I know if I'm a good candidate for energy healing?

Everything on Earth is made of energy, so everyone is a good candidate for energy healing.  Energy medicine can be used in conjunction with traditional medicine as supportive care.

What should I wear to my energy session?

You should wear anything that is comfortable and will ease your relaxation.

How long do energy healing sessions typically take?

Your first session is typically 90 minutes so that we can discuss your history and explore the reason for your visit. All follow-up sessions run between 60 to 75 minutes.

How many sessions before I begin to see results?

Some people feel a difference after their first session, and others it will take more. You are made of energy. As soon as you begin to work with your energies to create space and work towards harmony, things naturally begin to shift, even if the results are subtle.

How do I know what form of energy healing is right for me and my circumstances?

Your body is the greatest indicator of what will help to align and bring balance.  I perform an "energy assessment" during your session, during which your body provides feedback for what it needs and does not need to help restore balance and vitality.

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